AmigaOS3.5 (362/967)

From:Wroldsen, Steve - Highways
Date:12 May 2000 at 13:03:49
Subject:SCREEN MODE Prefs

I am having a problem changing screen mode prefs.

After selecting the ScreenMode Prefs icon and changing from Hi-Res to Hi-Res
Laced or any other mode I get the prompt:

"Intuition is attempting to reset the Workbench screen. Please close all
windows, except drawers."

After closing all open windows the Amiga attempts to change mode once again
until I am presented with the above message once again.

I thought this may be a clash with one of the items in my WBStartup drawer
so I moved them to another location and back to WBStartup one at the time to
decide if this was the problem. It turns out that whatever I have in
WBStartup it stops the Amiga from changing screen modes.

I have completely emptied the contents of WBStartup and the screen mode
changes every time.

I am also using WBStartup+

I did not have this problem with WB3.1, it has started since installing

Can anyone help???


Steve Wroldsen

* A1200HD
* Apollo 68040/25
* 2Mb Chip RAM/32Mb Fast RAM
* 8x CD-ROM
* External HD & DD floppies

Contents of WBStartup drawer:

* MultiCX
* ToolsDaemon
* MagicMenu
* RexxMast
* AHelp
* TweakWB
* DefIcons44
* RAWBInfo
* X-Panel
* DrawerSize


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